When your plan balance is zero, your case will be referred to our Audit Department for a closing review. If there are outstanding issues, your attorney will be contacted for resolution. However, if you have successfully completed your case, you should receive a letter in approximately 4-6 weeks with further instructions. After your case has been closed by the Trustee, final disbursements will be made at our next monthly scheduled disbursement. Once all of the checks, both creditor payments and debtor refunds, have been cleared, a Trustee Final Report and Account will be filed with the Bankruptcy Court.
In addition to the Trustee Final Report and Account, the debtor is required to file a Certificate of Financial Management and a Certification in Support of Discharge before the Bankruptcy Court will issue a Discharge of Debtor, if applicable. Any questions regarding the Certificate of Financial Management or Certification in Support of Discharge should be directed to your Bankruptcy Attorney.