Proceeding # | Hearing Date | Case Number | Debtor Attorney | Hearing Type | Disposition | Trustee Notes | |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 9/18/2024 8:30 am | 22-17371 / RG | David G. Beslow, Esq. | Confirmation Hearing on Modified Plan | Pending Workup | AS OF 7/31/24 (SF) 1. Cert of Default by JP Morgan rescheduled to 9/18/24 at 10 (MUST RESOLVE) MP proposes $350 x 60 Loan mod in 90 days Plan has run 20 months with 40 months remaining Arrears: $350 |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 9/18/2024 9:00 am | 18-29622 / CMG | Bruce H. Levitt, Esq. | Trustee Certification of Default | Needs Resolution of Issues - Objections | 9/6/24(mk0 Sent email to atty about arrears motion for con't Admin was granted obj, family will pay<> ARREARS 8,058 as of 9/6/24 in mo 71 of 83 mo plan as of August |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 9/18/2024 9:00 am | 19-13355 / CMG | Peter E. Zimnis, Esq. | Motion Relief from Stay (Fee) | No Opposition Filed | FREEDOM MTG /Creekside Way (BROCK & SCOTT) |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 9/18/2024 9:00 am | 20-24079 / CMG | Kevin C. Fayette, Esq. | Motion Expunge Claims/Reduce Claims/Modify Claims/Object To | No Opposition Filed | MTN TO EXPUNGE REGIONS BANK CLM MK: debt not owed by debtor but rather the proofs name an entirely different person |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 9/18/2024 9:00 am | 21-12295 / CMG | Ronald E. Norman, Esq. | Motion Trustee Motion to Dismiss/Wage Order (Camden/Trenton) | No Opposition Filed | SV/CITIGROUP; ARREARS |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 9/18/2024 9:00 am | 21-12306 / CMG | Candyce I. Smith-Sklar, Esq. | Trustee Certification of Default | Needs Resolution of Issues - Objections | atty says debtor made 1,000 payment epay - adj 9/18 for posting and recap Debtor obj, will make partial pymt & requests recaP<> ARREARS as of 9/3/24 are 2,699. Last pay was 6/13/24 |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 9/18/2024 9:00 am | 21-18253 / CMG | Candyce I. Smith-Sklar, Esq. | Trustee Certification of Default | Needs Resolution of Issues - Objections | Debtor obj, converting to ch 7<> ARREARS |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 9/18/2024 9:00 am | 21-18456 / CMG | Andrew G. Greenberg, Esq. | Motion Motion (Generic) - Only use if no other event is applicable | No Opposition Filed | MTN TO CLOSE CASE EARLY |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 9/18/2024 9:00 am | 21-18456 / CMG | Andrew G. Greenberg, Esq. | Motion Trustee Motion to Dismiss/Wage Order (Camden/Trenton) | Withdrawn | motion to close early on 9/18/24 AMT: HUD AUDITED/NEED MTN TO CLOSE EARLY (PER SALE ORDER, TO BE FILED W/I 14 DAYS OF CLOSING)<<>> 7/16: email from atty HUd will be upload - closing took place AMT: SALE ORDER 6/12/24 -NEED STATUS--------mk: sent email to atty 7/9/24- has property been sold?? motion for cont admin on 5/15- GRANTED ISSUES ARREARS 5,160 SV order entered 4/29/24 and motion to sell property at 100% ARREARS $ 5,160 last pay 11/13/23- ORDER FOR STAY RELEIF ENTERED 4/29/24 (#80) 4/9/24(mk) debtor passed away back in NOV - no notice of death filed or a motion for continued Admin 2//27/24(mk): atty writes debtor recently passed away , Daughter is Executrix and waiting for Surrogates papers then will file motion to continue admin and motion to sell real property |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 9/18/2024 9:00 am | 22-13519 / CMG | MaryBeth Schroeder, Esq. | Motion Trustee Motion to Dismiss/Wage Order (Camden/Trenton) | Needs Resolution of Issues - Objections | Debtor obj<>ARREARS as of 9/5/24 are 18,501 |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 9/18/2024 9:00 am | 22-14700 / CMG | Moshe Rothenberg, Esq. | Motion Motion (Generic) - Only use if no other event is applicable | No Opposition Filed | MTN AUTHORIZING LIBERTY MUTUAL TO PAY SANTANDER $4,514.73; DEBTOR TO FILE MP |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 9/18/2024 9:00 am | 22-15140 / CMG | Marc C. Capone, Esq. | Trustee Certification of Default | Needs Resolution of Issues - Objections | DEBTOR MUST BE CURRENT BY 9/18 HEARING DATE Debtor obj, made pytm<> ARREARS 2,752 as of 9/6/24 as of made recent payment of 1477 8/2 but before that Last pay was 4/9/24 |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 9/18/2024 9:00 am | 22-15195 / CMG | Andrew G. Greenberg, Esq. | Motion Trustee Motion to Dismiss/Wage Order (Camden/Trenton) | Needs Resolution of Issues - Objections | 8/29 AMT; Pymt posted/owes Aug (& Sept)<<>> Debtor obj, can pay <>ARREARS 12,193.95 Debtor advised that August will be paid by 9/6/2024 and then September will be paid by 9/27/2024 |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 9/18/2024 9:00 am | 22-15489 / CMG | Allen I. Gorski, Esq. | Motion Relief from Stay (Fee) | No Opposition Filed | NATIONSTAR MTG /Cottage Circle(ALBERTELLI LAW) |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 9/18/2024 9:00 am | 22-16411 / CMG | Donald C. Goins, Esq. | Motion Trustee Motion to Dismiss/Wage Order (Camden/Trenton) | Needs Resolution of Issues - Objections | Debtor obj, filing mtn to approve lm<>FAILED TO LM BY 6/30/24 |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 9/18/2024 9:00 am | 22-17880 / CMG | Karina Pia Lucid, Esq. | Motion Compensation | No Opposition Filed | MK Case reinstated and Mp to be filed - Tr will not press the objection-ok to G -------------------- Tr Obj: case was dismissed and no FOH needs revised order to pay outside plan MOTION TO VACATE DISMISSAL ON 9/4 PER ATTY EMAIL ON 8/5/24: debtor was approved for ERMA on 7/21 so mtg arrears are paid. I suppose we have to wait until the case is reopened to do both. But elimination of mortgage arrears will bring her total remaining debt down to approx. $20k, making the plan totally feasible and reasonable |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 9/18/2024 9:00 am | 22-18097 / CMG | Stacey L. Mullen, Esq. | Motion Trustee Motion to Dismiss/Wage Order (Camden/Trenton) | No Opposition Filed | NO MTN FOR CONTINUED ADMIN FILED FOR DECEASED DEBTOR |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 9/18/2024 9:00 am | 22-18267 / CMG | Marc C. Capone, Esq. | Motion Relief from Stay (Fee) | No Opposition Filed | LAKEVIEW LOAN/Winding river Rd (BROCK & SCOTT) |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 9/18/2024 9:00 am | 23-10255 / CMG | George E. Veitengruber, III, Esq. | Motion Trustee Motion to Dismiss/Wage Order (Camden/Trenton) | Needs Resolution of Issues - Objections | adj to 9/18 debtor to be completely current before hearing. ARREARS 5,100- made a July payment of 5400 before that last pay was 3/27/24 Client's husband lost his job, causing the delay in payments. He is now back to work. |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 9/18/2024 9:00 am | 23-10546 / CMG | PRO SE | Order Shorten Time | Needs Resolution of Issues - Objections | >>OST>> MOTION TO REINSTATE THE STAY |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 9/18/2024 9:00 am | 23-10932 / CMG | Kevin C. Fayette, Esq. | Application for Consent Order to pay Cap One | Order Previously Submitted | amt: order doc #27 entered 8/15/24<<>> TO ALLOW TR TO PAY CAP ONE CLAIM |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 9/18/2024 9:00 am | 23-11401 / CMG | Francis P. Cullari, Esq. | Motion Relief from Stay (Fee) | No Opposition Filed | AURORA FINC GROUP /Archertown Rd (McCALLA RAYMER) |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 38 | 9/18/2024 9:00 am | 23-11657 / CMG | Laurence R. Sheller, Esq. | Motion Trustee Motion to Dismiss/Wage Order (Camden/Trenton) | No Opposition Filed | FAILED TO LM BY 6/11/24 mk: creditor( Freedom Mtg) cert of default adj. to 9/18/24 |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 9/18/2024 9:00 am | 23-11657 / CMG | Laurence R. Sheller, Esq. | Creditor Certification of Default | Needs Resolution of Issues - Objections | 7/23: creditor request to adj as debtor is making payments to be current Debtor obj, requests time to be current,<>FREEDOM MTG/Canal Crossing (Brock & Scott) |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 9/18/2024 9:00 am | 23-12494 / CMG | Peter E. Zimnis, Esq. | Creditor Certification of Default | Needs Resolution of Issues - Objections | Debtor obj, disputes missing pymt<>FREEDOM MTG/Stevenson ave (Brock & Scott) |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 9/18/2024 9:00 am | 23-12827 / CMG | Christopher G. Cassie, Esq. | Motion Trustee Motion to Dismiss/Wage Order (Camden/Trenton) | No Opposition Filed | FAILED TO FILE MP WITHIN 14 DAYS PER ORDER #30; ARREARS |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 9/18/2024 9:00 am | 23-12901 / CMG | Warren Brumel, Esq. | Motion to Approve Loan Modifiction | Needs Resolution of Issues - Objections | NJHMFA obj (Pluese Becker)<> MTN TO APPROVE LM |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 9/18/2024 9:00 am | 23-12901 / CMG | Warren Brumel, Esq. | Motion Trustee Motion to Dismiss/Wage Order (Camden/Trenton) | Needs Resolution of Issues - Objections | amt: MTN TO APPROVE LM >>objections filed and hearing on 9/18/24 6/24/24(mk):has LM trial for payments MAY JUNE /JULY then will file Motion to approve for final LM mk: 3/28/24 Debtor got approval for a LM on 3/22/24- now trial period the LM - debtor obj>FAILED TO LM BY 12/31/23 Debtor says LM package submitted waiting for lender reply- have PD TR and Mtg payments |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 9/18/2024 9:00 am | 23-13752 / CMG | Jose R. Torres, Esq. | Motion Relief from Co-Debtor Stay | No Opposition Filed | M&T BANK/Baker Place (KML) |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 32 | 9/18/2024 9:00 am | 23-13870 / CMG | John Michael McDonnell, Esq. | Motion Trustee Motion to Dismiss/Wage Order (Camden/Trenton) | Needs Resolution of Issues - Objections | as of 8/17/24(mk) arrears 31,300 and that includes the large payment that posted 7/24/24 motion to reinstate stay is on 8/21- Contested mk :payments need to post adj to 7/17 for that Debtor obj<>SV/ATCF II; ARREARS 21,621 PAYMENT OF $3000.00 WAS REVERSED DUE TO INSUFFICIENT FUNDS ON 07/11/2024-KB opp'n says debtor has made payments to cure all arrears- AS OF 7/1/24 arrears 31,300 and last pay was 6/13 must address SV for mtg and tax lien on real prop |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 31 | 9/18/2024 9:00 am | 23-13870 / CMG | John Michael McDonnell, Esq. | Motion Reinstate Stay | Needs Resolution of Issues - Objections | US Asset Funding obj (Hill Wallack- M. Rooney); ATCF II NJ obj (ZEitz)<>MTN REINSTATE STAY debtor says has made all payments on arrears ATCF creditor has paid all taxes due but for 3rd quarter- and POC will now be more Post pet tax funded by ATCF(Zeitz) is 22,900 8/20/24:DEBTOR ATTY EMAIL= WILL ADDRESS PROP TAX ARREARS AS FOLLOWS: mp TO ADD 22,900 IN ARREARS or DEBTOR TO REFI PROP. WHEN DEBORO HAS SOLE TITLEAND SHE HAS PRE APPROVAL FOR REFI FOR 100% PLAN |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 35 | 9/18/2024 9:00 am | 23-14048 / CMG | Robert Cameron Legg, Esq. | Motion Relief from Stay (Fee) | Needs Resolution of Issues - Objections | 2 weeks to 9/4 for payment history - PEREMPTORY Debtor obj<>JPMORGAN CHASE /2014 Malibu (ROBERTSON) debtor wants pay history |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 9/18/2024 9:00 am | 23-14243 / CMG | Justin M. Gillman, Esq. | Motion Trustee Motion to Dismiss/Wage Order (Camden/Trenton) | No Opposition Filed | FAILED TO SELL CRESTVIEW RD PPTY BY 6/30/24 |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 9/18/2024 9:00 am | 23-15032 / CMG | Daniel E. Straffi, Esq. | Motion Trustee Motion to Dismiss/Wage Order (Camden/Trenton) | No Opposition Filed | ARREARS |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 39 | 9/18/2024 9:00 am | 23-15116 / CMG | Donald C. Goins, Esq. | Motion Expunge Claims/Reduce Claims/Modify Claims/Object To | Needs Resolution of Issues - Objections | Capital One response (Lafvin Cedrone)<>MTN TO MODIFY CLM#10 to a secured debt |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 40 | 9/18/2024 9:00 am | 23-15116 / CMG | Donald C. Goins, Esq. | Motion Trustee Motion to Dismiss/Wage Order (Camden/Trenton) | Needs Resolution of Issues - Objections | Debtor obj, made pymts<>ARREARS have been paid; case has not been paid off at 100% PLAN BALANCE AS OF 8/28/24 IS 7,854.41 >>Motion to modify POC on 9/4 NEEDS TO RESOLVE CAPITAL ONE POC #10-1 plan had secured unaffected - they filed a GUC claim (no deficiency stated) - plan is 100% - pay it in full at 100%?? |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 9/18/2024 9:00 am | 23-15428 / CMG | George E. Veitengruber, III, Esq. | Trustee Certification of Default | Needs Resolution of Issues - Objections | MP w/in 14 days atty sent proof of TFS payment made 8/6 for 8,000- we have no proof of efforts to sell- told him to appear AMT: FILED SUPPLEMENTAL CERT, FAILED TO CURE ALL ARREARS W/I 21 DAYS OF 6/5/24 ORDER VACATING DISMISSAL AND FAILED TO FILE MTN TO SELL, RETENTION OF PROFESSIONAL W/I 14 DAYS<<>> Debtor obj, made pymt<> ARREARS 39,337.57 SEE ALSO |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 9/18/2024 9:00 am | 23-15521 / CMG | Daniel E. Straffi, Esq. | Motion Trustee Motion to Dismiss/Wage Order (Camden/Trenton) | No Opposition Filed | FAILED TO REFI BY 7/1/24 |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 9/18/2024 9:00 am | 23-15626 / CMG | George E. Veitengruber, III, Esq. | Motion Relief from Stay (Fee) | Withdrawn | MK: G. Veitengruber has substituted in as atty - and and he filed late opp'n. Parties requesting 30 days Debtor obj, made pymt<>NATIONSTAR MTG/Audubon Dr (GREENSPOON) |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 9/18/2024 9:00 am | 23-15720 / CMG | Daniel E. Straffi, Esq. | Motion Trustee Motion to Dismiss/Wage Order (Camden/Trenton) | No Opposition Filed | FAILED TO SELL WILSON BLVD PPTY BY 8/1/24; ARREARS |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 9/18/2024 9:00 am | 23-15721 / CMG | Brad J. Sadek, Esq. | Hearing Scheduled (Document) | Needs Resolution of Issues - Objections | Debtor obj, will pay<> SANTANDER/2023 Elantra (Eisenberg Gold) |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 9/18/2024 9:00 am | 23-15970 / CMG | MaryBeth Schroeder, Esq. | Motion Expunge Claims/Reduce Claims/Modify Claims/Object To | Needs Resolution of Issues - Objections | Nissan obj( Stewart Legal)<>MTN TO EXPUNGE NISSAN CLM #10 |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 65 | 9/18/2024 9:00 am | 23-16002 / CMG | Justin M. Gillman, Esq. | Motion Trustee Motion to Dismiss/Wage Order (Camden/Trenton) | Needs Resolution of Issues - Objections | AMT: MP 9/18<<>> Debtor obj<>FAILED TO LM BY 2/14/24, EXTENDED LOSS MOT EXPIRED 5/13/24 MP filed 8/6 to extend time for LM |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 9/18/2024 9:00 am | 23-16113 / CMG | Peter E. Zimnis, Esq. | Motion Trustee Motion to Dismiss/Wage Order (Camden/Trenton) | Needs Resolution of Issues - Objections | AMT: MP 9/18 *>> Debtor obj<>FAILED TO ADDRESS NJ LATE FILED CLM #11 |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 43 | 9/18/2024 9:00 am | 23-16364 / CMG | Robert Cameron Legg, Esq. | Motion Trustee Motion to Dismiss/Wage Order (Camden/Trenton) | Needs Resolution of Issues - Objections | amt: MP 9/18> Debtor obj, filing MP<>FAILED TO LM/WILMINGTON BY 11/14/23, EXTENDED LOSS MIT EXPIRED 5/19/24; FAILED TO LM REAL TIME BY 12/1/23; FAILED TO FILE FEE APP FOR LM SVS FOR FEES PROPOSED IN 12/31/23 MP |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 9/18/2024 9:00 am | 23-16581 / CMG | Yakov Rudikh, Esq. | Motion Relief from Stay (Fee) | Withdrawn | SANTANDER/Malden Dr (GROSS) |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 69 | 9/18/2024 9:00 am | 23-16589 / CMG | Bruce C. Truesdale, Esq. | Motion Trustee Motion to Dismiss/Wage Order (Camden/Trenton) | Needs Resolution of Issues - Objections | mk:tax return was sent to NJ can't do a recap till that is resolved, - adj 9/18 to pay arrears and APOC form NJ 8/624: email to atty - any resolution of NJ estimated POC? Debtor obj, made pymt<>FAILED TO ADDRESS NJ PER PLAN CLM; ARREARS 3,350. that includes the payment of $670 posted on 7/9/24 last pay NEEDS TO ADDRESS NJ Div of Tax - per plan claim for 2,944 and an Estimated claim 2,522.80 #24 for post petition so really can't do RECAP till that is dealt w/ Arrears 3,350 |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 9/18/2024 9:00 am | 23-17103 / CMG | Robert Cameron Legg, Esq. | Motion Trustee Motion to Dismiss/Wage Order (Camden/Trenton) | No Opposition Filed | ARREARS |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 75 | 9/18/2024 9:00 am | 23-17110 / CMG | Bruce W. Radowitz, Esq. | Trustee Certification of Default | Needs Resolution of Issues - Objections | adj to 9/18 for settlement funds and recap Debtor obj, will pay w/pi settlement<> ARREARS 10,000 MK:PI settlement funds to TR will only be $6650 |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 9/18/2024 9:00 am | 23-17144 / CMG | Jonathan Goldsmith Cohen, Esq. | Order Shorten Time | Needs Resolution of Issues - Objections | >>OST<< SALE OF 791-B, POMPTON RD Order has balance due on plan professional retained. MK: case confirmed Nov 2023- 100% min 28,432 guc total 31,674 Sale price 475,000- NE equity $0,000 |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 79 | 9/18/2024 9:00 am | 23-17437 / CMG | Russell L. Low, Esq. | Motion Trustee Motion to Dismiss/Wage Order (Camden/Trenton) | Needs Resolution of Issues - Objections | 8/7/24: TR willadj for $ to post and Tr will propose by 9/18 debtor be fully current Debtor obj, paying<>ARREARS 13,788 8/5/24: atty emails : debtor says paid 1,561 on 7/12 ( not posted yet)and scheduled another payment of 3500 for 8/1/24 - debtor wants chance to cure rest- ATTY TOLD TO APPEAR |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 81 | 9/18/2024 9:00 am | 23-18445 / CMG | Russell L. Low, Esq. | Motion Trustee Motion to Dismiss/Wage Order (Camden/Trenton) | Needs Resolution of Issues - Objections | Debtor obj, filing MP to surr<>SV/EXETER #2-1 |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 9/18/2024 9:00 am | 23-18905 / CMG | James J. Cerbone, Esq. | Motion Trustee Motion to Dismiss/Wage Order (Camden/Trenton) | Withdrawn | 9/6 AMT: SALE PROCEEDS RECEIVED - NEED DEBTOR CHANGE OF ADDRESS FOR REFUND<<>> 8/28 AMT: HUD AUDIT/PENDING SALE PROCEEDS (8/8 closing, per atty, title co mailed to trenton po box)<<>> ARREARS; FAILED TO PAY OFF PLAN OR FILE MP WITHIN 10 DAYS OF 8/7/24 ORDER #62 |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 9/18/2024 9:00 am | 23-19511 / CMG | Moshe Rothenberg, Esq. | Motion Motion (Generic) - Only use if no other event is applicable | No Opposition Filed | WAIVER FROM FILING MTG PAYMENT CHANGE/CITIZENS BANK (WELTMAN WEINBERG) |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 9/18/2024 9:00 am | 23-19671 / CMG | Jonathan Goldsmith Cohen, Esq. | Order Shorten Time | Needs Resolution of Issues - Objections | MTN TO APPROVE ERMA FUNDING NEEDS A REVISED ORDER THAT SETS FORTH : 1. The amount of Erma grant 2.WHAT IS TO BE PAID ( specific amount) for pre petiton and specifc amount of Post petition 3.ARRERS CLAIM #5-1 TO BE AMENDED IN 30 DAYS. |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 9/18/2024 9:00 am | 23-20401 / CMG | Yakov Rudikh, Esq. | Motion Relief from Co-Debtor Stay | Needs Resolution of Issues - Objections | 8/22/24(mk): order submitted- full cure to creditor by 8/31/24 Debtor obj, made pymts/now current<>FLAGSTAR BANK/York St (McCALLA RAYMER) 8/2/24 parties attempting to resolve |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 54 | 9/18/2024 9:00 am | 23-20416 / CMG | Daniel E. Straffi, Esq. | Creditor Certification of Default | Needs Resolution of Issues - Objections | Debtor obj, will make pymt & requests recap<> HONDA/2022 CRV (Stewart) creditro needs to verify payment history |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 9/18/2024 9:00 am | 23-20593 / CMG | Brad J. Sadek, Esq. | Motion Relief from Stay (Fee) | No Opposition Filed | FREEDOM MTG /Delview La(BROCK & SCOTT) |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 9/18/2024 9:00 am | 23-20650 / CMG | Richard F. Fried, Esq. | Motion Trustee Motion to Dismiss/Wage Order (Camden/Trenton) | No Opposition Filed | FAILED TO LM BY 7/6/24; ARREARS |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 62 | 9/18/2024 9:00 am | 23-20907 / CMG | Karina Pia Lucid, Esq. | Motion Relief from Stay (Fee) | Needs Resolution of Issues - Objections | AMT; TR LTR REQUESTING CONDUIT<> Debtor obj, making pymts<>LAKEVIEW LOAN/Shawnee Trail (BROCK) |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 9/18/2024 9:00 am | 23-20955 / CMG | Steven J. Abelson, Esq. | Trustee Certification of Default | Needs Resolution of Issues - Objections | Debtor obj, made pymt<> ARREARS |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 55 | 9/18/2024 9:00 am | 23-21432 / CMG | Ralph A. Ferro, Jr., Esq. | Motion Trustee Motion to Dismiss/Wage Order (Camden/Trenton) | Needs Resolution of Issues - Objections | 94/24; 6,000 payment yesterday Debtor obj, made $6,000 pymt & requests recap<>ARREARS as of 9/3/24 15,200 Last pay 5/10/24. |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 9/18/2024 9:00 am | 23-21461 / CMG | Justin M. Gillman, Esq. | Motion Relief from Stay (Fee) | Needs Resolution of Issues - Objections | adj to 9/18 to resolve AMT: TR LTR REQUESTING CONDUIT<> PHH MTG / MYRTLE aVE (RAS) Debtors oppose conduit and can cure arrears creditor will agree conduit |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 105 | 9/18/2024 9:00 am | 24-10142 / CMG | Daniel E. Straffi, Esq. | Motion Trustee Motion to Dismiss/Wage Order (Camden/Trenton) | Needs Resolution of Issues - Objections | AMT: MP 9/18*<<>> Debtor obj<>PLAN WAS DENIED ON 4/17 AND FAILED TO FILE MP |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 9/18/2024 9:00 am | 24-10161 / CMG | Daniel E. Straffi, Esq. | Motion Relief from Stay (Fee) | No Opposition Filed | SANTANDER /Walnut St (BROCK & SCOTT) |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 9/18/2024 9:00 am | 24-10161 / CMG | Daniel E. Straffi, Esq. | Motion Relief from Co-Debtor Stay | No Opposition Filed | GLOBAL LENDING /20147 Nissan Sentra (STEWART) |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 9/18/2024 9:00 am | 24-10316 / CMG | Jeffrey E. Jenkins, Esq. | Motion Trustee Motion to Dismiss/Wage Order (Camden/Trenton) | Needs Resolution of Issues - Objections | 8/30/24: atty email says mailing $ order today for 1700 and we have 2023 tax return filed the 2023 return ADJ TO 9/18/24 TO BE COMPLETLEY CURRENT. Debtor obj, can pay by end of Sept<>ARREARS 2,830 AS OF 8/28/24; 2023 TAX RETURN(PROVIDED) ; NO PAYMENTS SINCE CONFIRMATION |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 68 | 9/18/2024 9:00 am | 24-10751 / CMG | David L. Stevens, Esq. | Motion Trustee Motion to Dismiss/Wage Order (Camden/Trenton) | Needs Resolution of Issues - Objections | AMT: MP 9/18<<>> MP filed and on for 8/21 Debtor obj<>PLAN DENIED ON 5/15/24 AND FAILED TO FILE MP WITHIN 14 DAYS |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 9/18/2024 9:00 am | 24-10751 / CMG | David L. Stevens, Esq. | Motion Motion (Generic) - Only use if no other event is applicable | No Opposition Filed | PRO SE CREDITOR, CARLOS DIAZ, OBJ TO PLAN |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 9/18/2024 9:00 am | 24-11014 / CMG | John Zimnis, Esq. | Motion Trustee Motion to Dismiss/Wage Order (Camden/Trenton) | No Opposition Filed | MP(#42) filed 9/5/24 - removes IRS and CO entered #40 treats Nj claim FAILURE TO ADDRESS NJ EST CLM #14-2 AND IRS PER PLAN CLM |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 9/18/2024 9:00 am | 24-11123 / CMG | Moshe Rothenberg, Esq. | Trustee Certification of Default | Needs Resolution of Issues - Objections | Debtor obj, can pay<> ARREARS |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 9/18/2024 9:00 am | 24-11308 / CMG | James J. Cerbone, Esq. | Motion Relief from Stay (Fee) | Order Previously Submitted | 9/3/24(mk) ORDER SUBMITTED-oustide cure to lender- no conduit now- only in event of a future default ADJ TO 9/18 TO RESOLVE & DEBTOR HAS 6,000 TO CURE OVER 6 MOS AND NO CONDUIT NOW BUT IF A DEFAULT TR WIL REQUIRE CONDUIT AMT: TR LTR REQUESTING CONDUIT<> PENNYMAC / Dover Court (FEIN SUCH) debtor opp'n- creditor adj request for time to resolve |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 9/18/2024 9:00 am | 24-11315 / CMG | Justin M. Gillman, Esq. | Motion Relief from Stay (Fee) | Needs Resolution of Issues - Objections | 9/18- PEREMPTORY debtor atty needs to review payment history Debtor obj<>US BANK TRUST NAT'L / Jackson St (ROBERTSON) arrears:3,361.48 as of 5/28/24-debtor says made payments - bank did not cash them.. and can cure in reasonable time |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 9/18/2024 9:00 am | 24-11410 / CMG | Kevin C. Fayette, Esq. | Motion Relief from Co-Debtor Stay | No Opposition Filed | WELLS FARGO BANK / Ardsley Ave (BROCK & SCOTT) |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 9/18/2024 9:00 am | 24-11556 / CMG | Justin M. Gillman, Esq. | Motion Relief from Co-Debtor Stay | Needs Resolution of Issues - Objections | 8/21: if sale order is granted- and lender gets full pay then ok debtor opp'n>>BERKSHIRE BANK-Harris Rd (BROCK & SCOTT) MK: note the creditors obj to conf was resolved by Order that states sale by 9/30/24- reg payments made by debtor to creditor pending sale- debtor opp'n- says has K for Sale and filing motion to approve sale |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 9/18/2024 9:00 am | 24-11804 / CMG | Justin M. Gillman, Esq. | Motion Relief from Co-Debtor Stay | No Opposition Filed | WELLS FARGO / Tree Top terr (BROCK & SCOTT) |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 9/18/2024 9:00 am | 24-12357 / CMG | Jeanie D. Wiesner, Esq. | Motion Relief from Stay (Fee) | Needs Resolution of Issues - Objections | Debtor obj,made pymt<>NAVY FEDERAL CRED/ 2nd mtg - Horseshoe lane (McCABE) |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 9/18/2024 9:00 am | 24-12496 / CMG | Robert Cameron Legg, Esq. | Motion Relief from Stay (Fee) | Needs Resolution of Issues - Objections | 8/21/24: creditor 6 mo cure- crediotr order Debtor obj, will pay<>SANTANDER /Hillside Dr (BROCK) debtor says can pay back by end of august arrears 5,276.79 as of 6/14/24 conf on 8/21- Issues |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 9/18/2024 9:00 am | 24-12791 / CMG | Barbara J. Snavely, Esq. | Motion Relief from Stay (Fee) | Needs Resolution of Issues - Objections | 9/4/24(mk)CO submitted. Terms=debtro has cured delinquency and will remain current working on resolving Debtor obj, cert funds sent to lender to pay arrears<>WELLS FARGO / Elizabeth Court (LOGS) |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 9/18/2024 9:00 am | 24-12901 / CMG | Marc C. Capone, Esq. | Motion Expunge Claims/Reduce Claims/Modify Claims/Object To | No Opposition Filed | MTN TO MODIFY ALLY CAP mk: Debtor says poc provides for the entire pay off of the claim and should be modified to indicate pre pet arrears $2,559 and no post petition arrears |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 9/18/2024 9:00 am | 24-13357 / CMG | Candyce I. Smith-Sklar, Esq. | Motion Expunge Claims/Reduce Claims/Modify Claims/Object To | Needs Resolution of Issues - Objections | creditor waitng for ok from client 9/3/24(mk) sent attys email for any status update. REPLY- still working on it MP on 9/18/24 Proposes PTD then 10,246.11 x 54 and a LM and ERMA funding till 10/2024 and if that fails will sell property.. mk:adj to 9/4- parties still trying to resolve value of vehicle- have not processed yet -conf notes need to be updated mk: parties working on a resolution. Cap One obj (Lavin Cedrone)<>MTN RECLASSIFY CAPITAL ONE AUTO CLM#5-1 TO $29,000 SECURED/$7,681.11 UNSECURED MK: filed Tr objection 7/9/24 atty disagrees and says We valued it at $29,000 at an interest rate of 5.37% which totals $33,321.30 The creditor objected and estimated the value at $34,525 at an interest rate of 9.5%. At this point we are still in negotiations and may end up getting an appraisal on the car. There is no mathematical error in the Order since we have not resolved the numbers |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 9/18/2024 9:00 am | 24-14041 / CMG | Andrew G. Greenberg, Esq. | Motion Relief from Stay (Fee) | No Opposition Filed | GLOBAL LENDING/2015 Buick Enclave (STEWART LEGLAL) |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 9/18/2024 9:00 am | 24-14047 / CMG | Robert Cameron Legg, Esq. | Motion Relief from Stay (Fee) | Needs Resolution of Issues - Objections | Atty filed obj, contacting debtor<<>>US BANK NAT'L ASSOC /Kennedy Court (STERN LAVINTHAL) creditor: no post petition payments |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 9/18/2024 9:00 am | 24-14110 / CMG | Judith G. Amorski, Esq. | Motion Relief from Co-Debtor Stay | Moot - Dismissed | CITIZENS BANK/ Knight Drive (McCABE WEISBERG) case dismissed at conf 9/4/24 |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 9/18/2024 9:00 am | 24-14806 / CMG | Robert Cameron Legg, Esq. | Motion Relief from Stay (Fee) | Needs Resolution of Issues - Objections | Debtor obj- says no default- made pymts<>DEUTSCHE BANK / Cumberland Drive (ROBERTSON) debtor 4th filing plan not feasible- no post pet payments debtor says all payments made |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 9/18/2024 9:00 am | 24-15049 / CMG | Daniel E. Straffi, Esq. | Motion Relief from Stay (Fee) | No Opposition Filed | CAPITAL ONE AUTO /2018 Mazda(LAVIN CEDRONE) |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 9/18/2024 9:00 am | 24-15969 / CMG | Candyce I. Smith-Sklar, Esq. | Motion Expunge Claims/Reduce Claims/Modify Claims/Object To | Needs Resolution of Issues - Objections | Ally Cap response (Lavin Cedrone)<>MTN TO MODIFY ALLY CAP POC #13-1 FOR TOTAL CLM OF $14,043.83 TR objection: need clarification on amts in PPSD Order |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 9/18/2024 9:00 am | 24-16220 / CMG | Robert Cameron Legg, Esq. | Motion Expunge Claims/Reduce Claims/Modify Claims/Object To | No Opposition Filed | MTN TO MOD PMWANGI POC#5-1 TO UNSECURED |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 9/18/2024 9:00 am | 24-16220 / CMG | Robert Cameron Legg, Esq. | Motion Expunge Claims/Reduce Claims/Modify Claims/Object To | No Opposition Filed | MTN TO MODIFY WELLS FARGO POC#7 TO $500 SECURED AND $5,300 GUC |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 9/18/2024 9:00 am | 24-16266 / CMG | Jose R. Torres, Esq. | Motion Vacate Dismissal of Case (DO NOT USE EVENT IF CASE IS CLOSED) | No Opposition Filed |