Proceeding # | Hearing Date | Case Number | Debtor Attorney | Hearing Type | Disposition | Trustee Notes | |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 2/26/2025 9:00 am | 17-35800 / CMG | Warren Brumel, Esq. | Motion to Cancel Discharge | No Opposition Filed | MTN TO CANCEL DISCHARGE US BANK MTG |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 2/26/2025 9:00 am | 17-35800 / CMG | Warren Brumel, Esq. | Motion to Cancel Discharge | No Opposition Filed | MTN TO CANCEL DISCHARGE NJHMFA MTG |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 2/26/2025 9:00 am | 19-22285 / CMG | George E. Veitengruber, III, Esq. | Motion Trustee Motion to Dismiss/Wage Order (Camden/Trenton) | Withdrawn | FAILED TO PAY PLAN BALANCE OF $420- BALANCE HAS BEEN PAID Plan has expired |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 2/26/2025 9:00 am | 19-28641 / CMG | Stephen M. Goldberg, Esq. | Motion Reopen Ch. 13 Case (fee) | Needs Resolution of Issues - Objections | MTN TO VACATE DISMISSAL AND REINSTATE TR OBJECITON: **CT DOCKET ERROR SAYS NEEEDS MOTION TO REOPEN CASE(case was closed 11/13/24) AND ON MOTION TO VACATE DISMISSAL--NEEDS A REVISED ORDER TO VACATE DISMISSAL THAT ADDS TO PAGE 2 OF STD ORDER PLAN BALANCE OF $6,860 TO BE SUBMITTED TO TRUSTEE WITHIN 7 DAYS OF ENTRY OF ORDER VACATING DISMISSAL) mk: dismissed after conf on TR motion 10/2/24 Plan has expired - Jan is mo 64 AND A REVISED ORDER TO VACATE DISMISSAL THAT ADDS TO PAGE 2 OF STD ORDER PLAN BALANCE OF $6,860 TO BE SUBMITTED TO TRUSTEE WITHIN 7 DAYS OF ENTRY OF ORDER VACATING DISMISSAL -Debtor have $ to pay plan balance- |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 2/26/2025 9:00 am | 19-32586 / CMG | Joseph M. Pinto, Esq. | Trustee Certification of Default | Needs Resolution of Issues - Objections | adj to 2/26/ for full payoff of case Debtor obj, will pay<> ARREARS plan has expired in mo. 61 Plan balance 3,221.33 Last pay was July Debtor opp'n says can pay balance off w/in 30 days |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 2/26/2025 9:00 am | 21-14884 / CMG | Robert Cameron Legg, Esq. | Trustee Certification of Default | Needs Resolution of Issues - Objections | Debtor obj, making pymts<> ARREARS 1,267 as of 2/11/25 2/26/ to be completely current |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 2/26/2025 9:00 am | 21-17278 / CMG | Warren D. Levy, Esq. | Motion Trustee Motion to Dismiss/Wage Order (Camden/Trenton) | No Opposition Filed | ARREARS $5,397 as of 2/11/15. Plan will not complete om time |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 2/26/2025 9:00 am | 22-12236 / CMG | Candyce I. Smith-Sklar, Esq. | Motion Relief from Stay (Fee) | Needs Resolution of Issues - Objections | Debtor obj, will pay<>HABITAT FOR HUMANITY OF SOUTH JERSEY (PLUESE) |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 2/26/2025 9:00 am | 22-14937 / CMG | John F. Bracaglia, Jr., Esq. | Creditor Certification of Default | Continued 3/19/2025 9:00 am | AMT: TRUSTEE CONDUIT REQUEST<> Debtor obj<> BANK OF NEW YORK/Hidden Pond Court CREDITOR REJECTS CONDUIT AND SAYS ONLY RESOLUTION IS FOR DEBTOR TO BECOME CURRENT |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 2/26/2025 9:00 am | 22-15195 / CMG | Andrew G. Greenberg, Esq. | Trustee Certification of Default | Needs Resolution of Issues - Objections | adj 2/26 for $ to post AS of 2/11 arrears 11,421.09 1/14/: per atty:proof of 3 payments not yet credited to debtor's account. A TFS payment in the amount of $3,180 was processed on 1/9/25 and another TFS payment in the amount of $1,000 was processed on 1/10/25. A MoneyGram payment in the amount of $2,109 was processed on 1/12/25. These payments will reduce the plan arrears from $11,976 to $5,687. Debtor obj, can resume & requests recap<> ARREARS 11,967.23 as of 1/7/25 |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 2/26/2025 9:00 am | 22-16358 / CMG | Michael McLaughlin, Esq. | Motion Relief from Stay (Fee) | No Opposition Filed | CARRINGTON MTG/Stonywyck Drive (STERN LAVINTHAL) |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 2/26/2025 9:00 am | 22-18023 / CMG | Edward Nathan Vaisman, Esq. | Motion Trustee Motion to Dismiss/Wage Order (Camden/Trenton) | Continued 3/19/2025 9:00 am | Motion to impose stay was filed- it should be a motion to reinstate the stay as to creditor who got SV on 3/19 adj to 2/26 - need motion to reimpose stay and we will give him a recap on payments and debtor needs to show feasibility. SV/WELLS FARGO; ARREARS 18,100 as of 2/4/25 If arrears can be recap WE STILL HAVE ISSUE OF SV WHICH MUST BE ADDRESSED |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 2/26/2025 9:00 am | 22-18697 / ABA | Carol L. Knowlton, Esq. | Confirmation Hearing on Modified Plan | Pending Workup | ADJ Conf to 2/26/25. Court scheduled evidentiary hearing for 1/30/25 (dm) ISSUES AS OF 9/18/2024 (DM): 8/20/24 - Borough of Riverton obtained stay relief on 602 Cinnaminson St, 612 Lippincott Ave and 401 Second St properties. 6/12/24 - ADJ to 9/25/24 per direction from the Court (dm) Motion to Expunge Renny & Shelia Jones POC (9-1) is scheduled for 5/14/24 (6/4/24 DOCKET ENTRY - PARTIES TO PROVIDE DISCOVERY AND BRIEFING SCHEDULE.) Marital residence was sold, and trustee received $64,564 from sale but otherwise has only paid 7 of 22 payments. 1) Renny & Shelia Jones (CORVELEYN LAW FIRM) OBJs - case pending for 17 months, claims that the 4 properties, although in the name of debtor, are not really hers because Jones put up all the money. Debtor is collecting rent on 2 properties but not disclosed in schedules. Secured POC from Renny and Sheila Jones (Graig Corveleyn, Esq) in the amount of $1,422,602.98 makes the case infeasible. 100% due to non-exempt equity in real estate. 2) IRS recently filed $1,520.17 post-petition POC (16-1) for 2023 tax returns that are estimated (UNRESOLVED.) 3) Plan provides $3,370.66 secured treatment to Borough of Riverton on Cinnaminson St property - no POC filed for this property (CREDITOR FILED POC 14-1, BUT STAY RELIEF GRANTED 8/20/24.) 4) Current attorney, Carol Knowlton, has $10,000 in estimated fees which will need a Fee App. 5) Trustee OBJ and Balboa Notes: - Not feasible - would need over $1,000/month even if we don't include claim for 1.4 million (NEGATIVE DISPOSABLE INCOME PER AMENDED I&J.) - Need proof of employment (UNRESOLVED.) - Current Pay Stub (RECEIVED CERT THAT DEBTOR IS SELF EMPLOYED.) - Need trustee payments (DEBTOR RESUMED PAYMENTS IN APRIL 2024.) - Child support if/when ordered - pending. ***RESOLVED ISSUES*** 4/10/24 (EDC): Per Judge, by 4/22/24 debtor to provide all docs, insurance, MP, resolve trustee issues regarding feasibility. Can file Cert of Default on 4/23/2 |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 2/26/2025 9:00 am | 23-10122 / CMG | Justin M. Gillman, Esq. | Motion Relief from Co-Debtor Stay | No Opposition Filed | MERCEDES-BENZ (EISENBERG) |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 2/26/2025 9:00 am | 23-10233 / CMG | Stacey L. Mullen, Esq. | Trustee Certification of Default | Needs Resolution of Issues - Objections | Debtor obj, made pymt<> ARREARS PAID needs to make feb payment of $512 then motion can be w/d |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 2/26/2025 9:00 am | 23-10233 / CMG | Stacey L. Mullen, Esq. | Motion Relief from Stay (Fee) | Needs Resolution of Issues - Objections | Debtor obj, needs time to cure<>HABITAT FOR HUMANITY OF SOUTH JERSEY/Clinton ave (PLUESE) |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 2/26/2025 9:00 am | 23-12220 / CMG | Yakov Rudikh, Esq. | Motion to Approve Loan Modification | Needs Resolution of Issues - Objections | Trustee limited obj, no ppsd order<> CARRINGTON MTN MTN TO APPROVE LM ( Hill Wallack) |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 2/26/2025 9:00 am | 23-14450 / CMG | Stacey L. Mullen, Esq. | Creditor Certification of Default | Needs Resolution of Issues - Objections | Debtor obj, made pymts, requests recap<> US BANK/Tavernier St (Padgett Law) |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 2/26/2025 9:00 am | 23-15626 / CMG | George E. Veitengruber, III, Esq. | Motion Motion (Generic) - Only use if no other event is applicable | No Opposition Filed | MTN APPV POST-PET FINC Mk: plan confirmed Dec 2024 100% and sale of property by 3/1/25. Now doing a refi that will pay of Mtg and all creditors in plan |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 2/26/2025 9:00 am | 23-19519 / CMG | Jonathan Goldsmith Cohen, Esq. | Motion Relief from Stay (Fee) | No Opposition Filed | SELECT PORTFOLIO /Ruth Drive(RAS) |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 2/26/2025 9:00 am | 23-20593 / CMG | Brad J. Sadek, Esq. | Trustee Certification of Default | Needs Resolution of Issues - Objections | PEREMPTORY Debtor obj<> ARREARS $4,468 as of 2/11/25 . Last pay 1/2025 DEBTOR HAS MADE 2 PAYMENTS SINCE CONFIRMED IN FEB 2024 |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 2/26/2025 9:00 am | 23-20709 / CMG | Marc C. Capone, Esq. | Motion Relief from Stay (Fee) | Needs Resolution of Issues - Objections | mk: parties attempting to resolve Debtor obj<>JPMORGAN CHASE / Vacari Way (MCCALLA) |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 2/26/2025 9:00 am | 23-20955 / CMG | Steven J. Abelson, Esq. | Trustee Certification of Default | Needs Resolution of Issues - Objections | Debtor obj, made pymt<> ARREARS |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 2/26/2025 9:00 am | 23-21068 / CMG | Robert Cameron Legg, Esq. | Creditor Certification of Default | Needs Resolution of Issues - Objections | Debtor obj, will make pymts<> AMERICAN HONDA/2018 Civic (Stewart Legal) |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 2/26/2025 9:00 am | 23-21085 / CMG | Vera Fedoroff, Esq. | Motion to Approve Loan Modification | Needs Resolution of Issues - Objections | Trustee's limited obj<>MTN TO APPROVE LM PPSD ORDER NOT CORRECT FORM FOR LM |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 2/26/2025 9:00 am | 24-10306 / CMG | Kevin C. Fayette, Esq. | Motion Trustee Motion to Dismiss/Wage Order (Camden/Trenton) | Needs Resolution of Issues - Objections | ATT; ATTY FILING MP TO SURR CAR; DEBTOR HAS FUNDS TO REMIT TO TRUSTEE<<>> Debtor obj, will make pymt & requests recap (does not address SV)<>SV/CITADEL(auto); ARREARS 8,260 as of 11/6/24 |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 2/26/2025 9:00 am | 24-10475 / CMG | Warren Brumel, Esq. | Motion Relief from Stay (Fee) | No Opposition Filed | TOYOTA /2022 Lexus (STEWART) |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 2/26/2025 9:00 am | 24-11302 / CMG | Herbert B. Raymond, Esq. | Motion Vacate Dismissal of Case (DO NOT USE EVENT IF CASE IS CLOSED) | Needs Resolution of Issues - Objections | US Bank obj ( Friedman Vartolo)<>MOTION TO VACATE DISMISSAL AND VACATE THE ORDER LIFTING THE STAY ( in same motion) TR OBJECTION(MK) file obj: debtor must be completely current w/ Tr payments and proof is required. The stay must be reinstated as to mtg company for plan to succeed |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 2/26/2025 9:00 am | 24-12317 / CMG | Moshe Rothenberg, Esq. | Motion Relief from Stay (Fee) | No Opposition Filed | TOYOTA /2023 Sienna(STEWART) |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 2/26/2025 9:00 am | 24-12352 / CMG | Daniel E. Straffi, Esq. | Motion Relief from Stay (Fee) | Needs Resolution of Issues - Objections | Debtor obj, pending sale<>US BANK TRUST /Eighth Ave(RAS) |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 2/26/2025 9:00 am | 24-12353 / CMG | Marc C. Capone, Esq. | Motion Trustee Motion to Dismiss/Wage Order (Camden/Trenton) | Continued 3/19/2025 9:00 am | AMT: MP 3/19<<>> MP filed 1/31/25 to sell prop - rev mtg was denied- appl to retain realtor filed 2/7/25 MK: atty filing MP to sell- she just signed listing agmt and atty will file application for retention. property is listed at $299K and the mortgage claim is only $62K so plenty of equity and sufficient funds to pay 100% to GUC's from the sale. Debtor obj<>DEBTOR FAILED TO REFI BY 11/1/24 creditor's cert of default filed 12/9/24 |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 2/26/2025 9:00 am | 24-12496 / CMG | Robert Cameron Legg, Esq. | Creditor Certification of Default | Needs Resolution of Issues - Objections | 2/26 to be current AMT: TR LTR REQUESTING CONDUIT<> Debtor obj, will pay<> SANTANDER/Hillside Dr (Brock & Scott) >>TR ARREARS AS OF 2/7/25 $4,032 last pay Dec and not full Tr payment was paid |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 2/26/2025 9:00 am | 24-12852 / CMG | Justin M. Gillman, Esq. | Motion Relief from Stay (Fee) | No Opposition Filed | PROVIDENT FUNDING ASSOC /Stony Road (POWERS) |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 2/26/2025 9:00 am | 24-13403 / CMG | PRO SE | Motion Dismiss Case | No Opposition Filed | US BANK MTN TO DISMISS OR FOR STAY RELIEF (Hinshaw & Culbertson) |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 2/26/2025 9:00 am | 24-14033 / CMG | Jonathan Goldsmith Cohen, Esq. | Motion Relief from Stay (Fee) | No Opposition Filed | FEDERAL HOME LOAN / Hudson Ave (KML) |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 2/26/2025 9:00 am | 24-14391 / CMG | MaryBeth Schroeder, Esq. | Motion Relief from Co-Debtor Stay | Needs Resolution of Issues - Objections | 2/26/25 PEREMPTORY Debtor obj, made pymt<>PENNYMAC LOAN /Bowline St (FRENKEL) -- Motion to Approve LM filed- on for 12/4- revised order submitted-Order entered only takes care of pre pet arrears |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 2/26/2025 9:00 am | 24-14652 / CMG | Otto J. Kostbar, Esq. | Motion Relief from Stay (Fee) | No Opposition Filed | WELLS FARGO/South Louis St (BROCK & SCOTT) |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 2/26/2025 9:00 am | 24-14806 / CMG | Robert Cameron Legg, Esq. | Motion Reinstate Stay | No Opposition Filed | MTN TO REINSTATE STAY OF LEGACY MTG mk: Debtors have sale K for short sale for 2nd mtg but sale will pay this creditor in full |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 2/26/2025 9:00 am | 24-15397 / CMG | Daniel E. Straffi, Esq. | Motion Relief from Co-Debtor Stay | Moot - Converted to 7 / 11 | ALLY BANK (LAVIN CEDRONE) |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 2/26/2025 9:00 am | 24-16827 / CMG | Jonathan Goldsmith Cohen, Esq. | Motion Trustee Motion to Dismiss/Wage Order (Camden/Trenton) | No Opposition Filed | ARREARS AND SV PHH |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 2/26/2025 9:00 am | 24-16841 / CMG | Jeffrey E. Jenkins, Esq. | Motion Relief from Stay (Fee) | Moot - Dismissed | ALLY CAPITAL (LAVIN CEDRONE) |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 2/26/2025 9:00 am | 24-16900 / CMG | Vera Fedoroff, Esq. | Trustee Certification of Default | Needs Resolution of Issues - Objections | debtor says unaware of payment increase and wants RECAP- ARREARS ARE NOW 11,808 AS OF 2/11/25; CONF ON 2/26/ REC DISMISSAL |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 2/26/2025 9:00 am | 24-16939 / CMG | Laurence R. Sheller, Esq. | Motion Relief from Stay (Fee) | Needs Resolution of Issues - Objections | Debtor obj<>SANTANDER /2017 Kia Sportage (EISENBERG) |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 2/26/2025 9:00 am | 24-17450 / CMG | Daniel E. Straffi, Esq. | Motion Relief from Co-Debtor Stay | No Opposition Filed | WILMINGTON SAVINGS / Harbor Rd (STERN & EISENBERG) |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 2/26/2025 9:00 am | 24-17686 / CMG | George E. Veitengruber, III, Esq. | Motion Relief from Stay (Fee) | Needs Resolution of Issues - Objections | mk:; case was dismissed 1/8- revised order submitted on the motion to vacate dismissal - on 2/26 and fixes conf for 3/19 so should this motion be marked MOOT or should it be adj to 3/19 or can it be resolved? parties working on resolving- need more time-adj 2/26/25 PEREMPTORY Debtor obj<>NATIONSTAR MTG /Greenwood Drive (LOGS) |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 2/26/2025 9:00 am | 24-17686 / CMG | George E. Veitengruber, III, Esq. | Motion Vacate Dismissal of Case (DO NOT USE EVENT IF CASE IS CLOSED) | Revised Order Submitted | 2/7/25(mk) Revised order submitted- takes care of TR obj BUT stay relief has to be dealt w/ MK: case dismissed on CT OSC - failed to pay installment fee. Motion says case ready for Conf- TR Objection: Needs REVISED ORDER and put in new conf date of 3/19/25 and debtor to pay total of $888 to be current with the Tr w/in 7 days of entry of the order vacating Dismissal |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 2/26/2025 9:00 am | 24-18182 / CMG | Steven J. Abelson, Esq. | Motion Relief from Co-Debtor Stay | No Opposition Filed | SANTANDER /2017 Pacifica (EISENBERG) |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 2/26/2025 9:00 am | 24-18370 / CMG | Roger J. Yehl, Esq. | Motion Relief from Stay (Fee) | Needs Resolution of Issues - Objections | Debtor obj, has contract for sale<>SANTANDER BANK / Birchwood Dr(BROCK & SCOTT) Sale order entered 2/6/25 |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 2/26/2025 9:00 am | 24-18417 / CMG | Robert C. Nisenson, Esq. | Motion Relief from Stay (Fee) | No Opposition Filed | FREEDOM MTG /Howard St (BROCK & SCOTT) |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 2/26/2025 9:00 am | 24-18556 / CMG | Karina Pia Lucid, Esq. | Motion Relief from Co-Debtor Stay | Needs Resolution of Issues - Objections | Debtor obj, made pymt<>SANTANDER /2020 Santa Fe (EISENBERG) |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 2/26/2025 9:00 am | 24-18587 / CMG | Edward Hanratty, Esq. | Motion Motion (Generic) - Only use if no other event is applicable | No Opposition Filed | MTN FOR UNSECURED CLM TO BE PAID AS SECURED (MIDLAND CREDIT MGMT/POC16) |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 2/26/2025 9:00 am | 24-18612 / CMG | Robert Cameron Legg, Esq. | Motion Expunge Claims/Reduce Claims/Modify Claims/Object To | Needs Resolution of Issues - Objections | West Coast response (Hladik Onorato)<>MTN TO REDUCE WEST COASE CLM #2-1 TO $13,111.80 |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 2/26/2025 9:00 am | 24-18612 / CMG | Robert Cameron Legg, Esq. | Motion Expunge Claims/Reduce Claims/Modify Claims/Object To | Needs Resolution of Issues - Objections | 2/5/25:mk: needs amend I & J proof of feasibility US Bank obj ( RAS)<>MTN MODIFY US BANK CLM #3-1 TO REMOVE FINES/FEES RELATED TO 7/2023 DEFAULT debtor has completed trial LM-says never rec'd final loan mod approval. Debtor wants to enforce the trial LM Creditor says sent final LM and it never returned it and debtor stopped making payments and needs to reapply for LM debtor says made payments but bank stopped accepting them. debtor says if he had to reapply - he would be denied as now he's not working- it's a contact issue debtor income when filed: unemployment income and family contribution |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 2/26/2025 9:00 am | 24-18655 / CMG | James J. Cerbone, Esq. | Motion Relief from Stay (Fee) | No Opposition Filed | CITIGROUP MTG/Beachwood Blvd (STERN & EISENBERG) |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 2/26/2025 9:00 am | 24-18668 / CMG | Jonathan Stone, Esq. | Motion Relief from Stay (Fee) | No Opposition Filed | NISSAN /2022 Pathfinder (STEWART) |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 2/26/2025 9:00 am | 24-18828 / CMG | Candyce I. Smith-Sklar, Esq. | Motion Relief from Stay (Fee) | No Opposition Filed | TOYOTA /2024 Toyota 86(STEWART) |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 2/26/2025 9:00 am | 24-18987 / CMG | Peter E. Zimnis, Esq. | Motion Trustee Motion to Dismiss/Wage Order (Camden/Trenton) | Needs Resolution of Issues - Objections | AMT: mp 2/26 Debtor obj,<>PLAN DENIED 12/4/24 AND FAILED TO FILE MP IN 14 DAYS |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 2/26/2025 9:00 am | 24-19096 / CMG | James J. Cerbone, Esq. | Motion Sell | No Opposition Filed | 407 6TH STREET Order has NE proceeds to Tr Plan in month 4 of 60 mo plan retention appl filed for realtor and closing atty |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 2/26/2025 9:00 am | 24-19561 / CMG | Marc C. Capone, Esq. | Motion Trustee Motion to Dismiss/Wage Order (Camden/Trenton) | No Opposition Filed | PLAN WAS W/D ON 12/18/24 AND FAILED TO FILE MP IN 14 DAYS |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 2/26/2025 9:00 am | 24-19812 / CMG | Warren S. Jones, Jr., Esq. | Motion Relief from Stay (Fee) | Needs Resolution of Issues - Objections | Debtor obj, willpay<>US BANK TRUST NAT'L ASSOC (RAS) |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 2/26/2025 9:00 am | 24-19958 / CMG | Andre L. Kydala, Esq. | Motion Motion (Generic) - Only use if no other event is applicable | Needs Resolution of Issues - Objections | Bridge order to say: continue stay to 2/26 341 to be scheduled on or before 2/13/25 conf will be adj to 2/26/25 1/15: atty amended Order for accountant. did get K from partner to buy debtor out of property- he uploaded doc in 13 docs 1/10/25: Retention Appl. for accountant was filed.(#32-2) GRANTED >WHERE IS THE NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT? 12/31/24(mk) : email to atty for notice of settlement funds and to retain an accountant. Per AR :debtor to submit Bridge Order extend stay to 1/15/25 and all returns to be filed except 2024- and notice of settlement for funds- retain accountant MTN TO CON'T STAY; DEBTOR SUPPLEMENTAL CERT<> 11/6: debtor settled interest in property- he will be bought out at 72,000 form partner TR OBJ: mK :PRIOR CASE WAS A CONDUIT CASE AND WAS DISMISSED FOR FAILURE TO MAKE PAYMENTS, ESTIMATED TAX CLAIMS AS WELL AS NOT ADDRESSING FIXED SECURED TAX CLAIMS FILED IN THE CASEOR AN CLAIM BY NJ DEPT OF LABOR CERT OF DEBTOR IN INADEQUATE AND MAKES NOW SHOWING OF A CHANGE IN CIRCUMSTANCES OR HOW THIS CASE WILL BE FEASIBLE THIS TIME. |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 2/26/2025 9:00 am | 24-20051 / CMG | Lee M. Perlman, Esq. | Motion Relief from Stay (Fee) | No Opposition Filed | NEWREZ LLC / Colonial Dr (HILL WALLACK) |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 2/26/2025 9:00 am | 24-20053 / CMG | Roger J. Yehl, Esq. | Motion Relief from Stay (Fee) | Needs Resolution of Issues - Objections | Debtor obj<>CIITZENS BANK/Prospect St (McCABE) |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 2/26/2025 9:00 am | 24-20098 / CMG | Joan Sirkis Warren, Esq. | Motion Relief from Co-Debtor Stay | No Opposition Filed | FREEDOM MTG/Rockport rd (Brock & Scott) |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 2/26/2025 9:00 am | 24-20167 / CMG | George E. Veitengruber, III, Esq. | Motion Relief from Stay (Fee) | No Opposition Filed | MIDFIRST BANK/Manhattan Dr (KML) |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 2/26/2025 9:00 am | 24-20914 / CMG | John Michael McDonnell, Esq. | Motion Relief from Stay (Fee) | Moot - Dismissed | WESTLAKE SERVICES (McCALLA) |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 2/26/2025 9:00 am | 24-20914 / CMG | John Michael McDonnell, Esq. | Motion Relief from Stay (Fee) | Moot - Dismissed | DEPTH CHARGE MARINE LTD (NORGAARD O'BOYLE AND HANNON) |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 2/26/2025 9:00 am | 24-21039 / CMG | PRO SE | Motion File Claim After Claims Bar Date | No Opposition Filed | MTN FILE CLM AFTER BAR DATE (STARK & STARK) |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 2/26/2025 9:00 am | 24-21476 / CMG | PRO SE | Motion Vacate Dismissal of Case (DO NOT USE EVENT IF CASE IS CLOSED) | Needs Resolution of Issues - Objections | 1/28/25: case was dismissed1/15/25 on CT OSC for failure to pay filing fee installment case filed in November. No 341 dox and no payments (owe 2 as of Jan) |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 2/26/2025 9:00 am | 25-10052 / CMG | Robert Cameron Legg, Esq. | Order Shorten Time | No Opposition Filed | 2/11/25(mk): 341 on 2/13/25 conf 3/19/25 owes 1st payment for Feb 1/15/25: Bridge order 2/26 >>OST<<< MTN EXTEND STAY AS of 1/9: need missing sch and Plan |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 2/26/2025 9:00 am | 25-10096 / CMG | Shmuel Klein | Motion Relief from Stay (Fee) | No Opposition Filed | NATHAN HERZKA/Superior ct matter (GREENBAUM ROWE) |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 2/26/2025 9:00 am | 25-10116 / CMG | David G. Beslow, Esq. | Motion Relief from Stay (Fee) | No Opposition Filed | AMERICREDIT FINC/2022 Blazer (EISENBERG) |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 2/26/2025 9:00 am | 25-10586 / CMG | Vera Fedoroff, Esq. | Motion Motion (Generic) - Only use if no other event is applicable | Needs Resolution of Issues - Objections | >>OST>> FOR 2/18/25 AT 10 MTN CON'T STAY Case filed 1/20/25: 1 prior case dismissed after conf 10/17/24 |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 2/26/2025 9:00 am | 25-10968 / CMG | James J. Cerbone, Esq. | Motion to Impose Stay | No Opposition Filed | MTN IMPOSE STAY 1 prior case- Conduit case and dismissed after confirmation(Arrears) 341 dox in |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 2/26/2025 9:00 am | 25-11128 / CMG | Robert Cameron Legg, Esq. | Motion Extend Time | No Opposition Filed | MTN EXTEND STAY 2 prior cases as of 2/11/25:no plan No missing do no 341 dox debtor has new job now has funds to be successful |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 2/26/2025 10:00 am | 23-19802 / CMG | Ronald E. Norman, Esq. | Confirmation Hearing on Modified Plan | Pending Workup | AS OF 1/13/2025 (at): 1. Need updated income to justify lowering trustee payment. 2. Need Amended I and J. (FILED 1/20/2025) 3. Need copy of new residential lease. MP proposes: $150 X 47, base Arrears: $614 (to remove rental arrears, the Debtor has moved out per Order for Relief granted) |
Matter ResolvedRequest Adjourment | 0 | 2/26/2025 10:00 am | 24-10511 / CMG | Paul H. Young, Esq. | Confirmation Hearing on Modified Plan | Pending Workup |